To promote the development of a dynamic environment for MSMEs (micro, small and medium-sized enterprises) to develop, increase their growth potential and sustainability through tailored solutions addressing their immediate and long-term needs.
The Small Business Center (SEC) - Palestine was established in June 2003 within the framework of a technical assistance project, funded and implemented by the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), to support the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Palestine. In February 2008, the SEC was officially registered as an independent, non-profit organization with legal status granted by the Palestinian National Authority with demonstrated capacity to comply with all applicable administrative law requirements and financial regulations, in accordance with the Charitable and Social Organizations Law. No.1 of 2000.
The Small Business Center (SEC) aims to facilitate development solutions for startups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) towards increasing their growth potential and sustainability.
The main objective of the SEC is to contribute to the development of the Palestinian private sector by enhancing the productivity and efficiency of small and micro enterprises, which constitute the majority of all Palestinian business sectors. The center's activities, therefore, focus on providing and developing technical, information and referral services to existing and potential SMEs.
Our Mission
To promote the development of a dynamic environment for MSMEs (micro, small and medium-sized enterprises) to develop, increase their growth potential and sustainability through tailored solutions addressing their immediate and long-term needs.
Our vision
To be the first organization in Palestine where entrepreneurs have confidence and to make Palestinian MSMEs capable of competing in international markets.
Our Values
High level of professionalism Transparency and accountability Collaboration Respect for other people's values, time and ideas Social Orientation
equal opportunities |